Read The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books

By Sally Rowland on Saturday, June 1, 2019

Read The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books

Download As PDF : The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books

Download PDF The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books

This book includes the 3 books ascribed to Enoch. 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch and 3 Enoch. The 1st Book of Enoch, theEthiopic Book of Enoch, or 1 Enoch is more known as simply the Book of Enoch.Although this book is considered apocryphal for the Western canon, it iscontained in the Ethiopic Bible. It was considered sacred by some importantfirst followers of Christ but it was left out of the Bible and disappeared forcenturies until it was rediscovered in 1773 in Ethiopic. This manuscript wasfirst translated into English in the 1820s and into German in the 1830s.According to most scholars, part of it was written in third century BCE andpart of it in the first century CE (the part related to the Son of Man).Although the oldest complete copies of 1 Enoch are K-9 or Kebran 9, dated latefourteenth early fifteenth century and Ethiopian Monastic Microfilm Library(EMML 2080) of the fifteenth or fourteenth century, fragments found in Qumramin the 1950s are more than 2000 years old. Other old important manuscripts areAbbadianus 55 (possibly fifteenth century) and British Museum Orient 485 (firsthalf of the sixteenth century).

Read The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books

"I was really after a good translation of Ethiopian Enoch 1. This translation by Chas Robert just doesn't compare to the better translation of
Richard Laurence which I have on a hard drive. I will be reordering Enoch 1 by Richard Laurence. Enoch 1 is absolutely fascinating about our beginnings and cosmology, the Lord of the Spirits of which the rulers of this world have blinded us. Read Enoch 1 Chapter 43 and understand! ."

Product details

  • Paperback 214 pages
  • Publisher International Alliance Pro-Publishing, LLC (May 20, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1609422007

Read The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books

Tags : The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including (1) The Ethiopian Book of Enoch, (2) The Slavonic Secrets and (3) The Hebrew Book of Enoch [Paul C. Schnieders, Robert H. Charles] on . <div><span>This book includes the 3 books ascribed to Enoch. 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch and 3 Enoch. The 1st Book of Enoch,Paul C. Schnieders, Robert H. Charles,The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including (1) The Ethiopian Book of Enoch, (2) The Slavonic Secrets and (3) The Hebrew Book of Enoch,International Alliance Pro-Publishing, LLC,1609422007,Apocryphal books (Old Testament),Judaism - History - Post-exilic period, 586,Judaism - History - Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D,Jewish,Judaism - Sacred Writings,Non-Fiction,PRINT ON DEMAND,RELIGION / Judaism / Sacred Writings,Religion,Religion - Judaism,Religion / General,Religion/Ethics

The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books Reviews :

The Books of Enoch Complete edition Including The Ethiopian Book of Enoch The Slavonic Secrets and The Hebrew Book of Enoch Paul C Schnieders Robert H Charles 9781609422004 Books Reviews

  • Many of the Book of Enoch books available are in fact public domain (the R. H. Charles version of 1917) which means they can be given away to anyone for free, by anyone. What is the problem with public domain versions? They are full of errors, as they are around 100 years old and out-dated scholarship. Sure, they might be cheap, but most of the information is wrong. These days, many non-translators (some of whom actually claim to be translators) sell the public domain version of 1917 by R.H. Charles (both as is, and also disguised by slight rewording) as a commercial venture. This version reflects the knowledge of The Book of Enoch as it was back in 1917. Great advances have been made since then.

    This is an outdated and poorly translated version of the Books of Enoch. Don't waste your money.
  • Absolutely a must read regardless of your proclaimed religious affiliation. This book is packed with so much truth it may just leave your spinning. I should preface these statements with the fact that in my prayers of late I've come back to my belief in Jesus/Yeshua and have been asking for truth and direction. This book, while many cynics would argue differently, helps explain EVERYTHING in life that's worth your time. If you're wondering why material gain never seems to bring you true happiness, look to your faith for the answers. We're not here for anything this world has to offer materially--Enoch knew this, and passed that on to his lineage through this compilation of books, and teachings. If you're lost in life, pick this up, read it, and be found.
  • a revealing of truths that i have pondered and searched for for years. why it was'nt put into the scripture's is a real mystery to me !!! it fits the missing pieces of the puzzle tgether that give you a better understanding of the shape the world was in and why our heavenly father predestined jesus to redeem us !!! the satan tried every way to stop it and did'nt realize that he was being used to complete the redemption of the very creatures he tried to destroy in the garden.... man !!!!
  • I was really after a good translation of Ethiopian Enoch 1. This translation by Chas Robert just doesn't compare to the better translation of
    Richard Laurence which I have on a hard drive. I will be reordering Enoch 1 by Richard Laurence. Enoch 1 is absolutely fascinating about our beginnings and cosmology, the Lord of the Spirits of which the rulers of this world have blinded us. Read Enoch 1 Chapter 43 and understand! .
  • This is a very good book for someone that wants to know more about God and his
    angels. Enoch was a man that walked with God to the point that he never died, but
    was taken to heaven. The book tells of the organization of heaven and the angels
    responsibilities. You will develop a greater love for God and Jesus.
  • I already had a copy of Enoch, but that's what it was. This book is well laid out and original to what I already had. You will find that a lot of the book does coincide with the Bible.
  • I will recommend good reading especially for people who understand prophecy from the Bible not from those how talk with a goal for collecting donation,very good book