» PDF To Have and to Hold Motherhood Marriage and the Modern Dilemma Molly Millwood PhD 9780062838650 Books
Sally Rowland on Monday, May 27, 2019
PDF To Have and to Hold Motherhood Marriage and the Modern Dilemma Molly Millwood PhD 9780062838650 Books

Product details - Hardcover 288 pages
- Publisher Harper Wave (March 26, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0062838652

To Have and to Hold Motherhood Marriage and the Modern Dilemma Molly Millwood PhD 9780062838650 Books Reviews
- This is a very interesting and well-written book. From my vantage point as a grandfather, it's hard to remember how difficult those days with two little kids and working spouse were -- and this book makes it clear that it was probably more difficult for my wife, regardless of how supportive a husband I thought I was. When I see our daughter and son-in-law now being wonderfully patient and loving parents, I appreciate anew how much energy and effort it takes and how it can strain normal relationships. Molly Millwood explains these difficulties from the dual perspective of a mother of two boys as well as of a therapist specializing in working with new parents and couples. This lends valuable insights to her perceptions. While the book focuses on problems in modern marriages with kids, it's by no means a downer, as her basic optimism and cheerfulness shine through. In addition to support, she offers practical coping strategies to new mothers.
Disclosure I know and admire the family, as Molly's mother and I worked together for many years. They are all to be congratulated on this interesting and engagingly written book. - Dr. Molly Millwood has written an important book about the transition to motherhood and the emotional process for women as well as the couple. As a psychotherapist who has worked with postpartum women for over a decade I found Molly's book helpful, insightful and wise. Therapists working with this population will find many clinical truths articulated through out this book about the inner transition to motherhood and the lack of cultural support around this stage of life. New mothers will find this book incredibly validating of their experience. Dr. Millwood's book is an important step in a cultural shift from the isolation of new motherhood and to a broader acceptance and normalizing of the difficulties. To Have and To Hold presents a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the stress on new mothers. Dr. Millwood elegantly weaves clinical experiences, personal experience and research throughout the book which results in an engaging and captivating read. She steers women and couples away from pathologizing the postpartum period toward compassion, acceptance and possibility. Dr. Millwood book moves people away from creating false dichotomies between those who have postpartum depression and those who do not to a more sophisticated understanding of the cultural, personal, relational, historical and biological influences of this transition. I highly recommend this book!
- Beautifully written with compassion and empathy by a psychologist/psychotherapist who is also a wife and mother, this book is a lifeline of support and understanding to all new, and even not so new, mothers who are struggling with the emotional, psychological and physical changes that inevitably occur within themselves and within their partnerships after they become mamas. The message that resonates throughout the pages...you are not alone, and what you are feeling is normal...will be a tonic of relief to so many who are feeling ashamed of their sadness or ambivalence during a time that we are told should be nothing but blissful. You can grieve the loss of your former “self,†dislike how completely disoriented you have become, and adore your baby with your entire being at the same time. The feelings of loss and gain can and should co-exist, and both should be acknowledged as true. There is so much more, moving insights into the communication issues and support struggles of parents/partners traveling through this often difficult territory ... this book is going to be my baby shower gift from now on!
- This book should be on the required reading list for all new mothers and fathers. I wish this book was available to me 13 years ago, when I ventured into motherhood and felt alone and completely off balance. Dr. Millwood’s words ring true today as my husband and I still hit rough waters with our lives and our children, and her chapters on couples and communication have been most appreciated.
This book is by no means dry information! Dr. Millwood’s stories about herself and her patients have made me laugh out loud, cry, and I find that I am drawn into the next chapter by the first sentences. Before I know it, I’ve finished that chapter when I had meant to put the book down and turn off the light to go to sleep.
This book brings women (and their partners) together to remind us that we are sailing along on the same boat, in the same vast ocean, we just need to remember to talk to each other. We, as mothers, are by no means alone. - It’s hard to even describe how impactful this book has been. As a mother and a clinician with an interest in motherhood and couples, the wisdom in To Have and to Hold, is just what I needed, both personally and professionally. Dr. Millwood has a way of demonstrating a high level of competence, combined with a depth of compassion, sweetness, and humor. You will want to be her friend, her colleague, and/or her client after reading this gem! As another reviewer wrote, I will be gifting this book to other mothers for years to come. Thank you, Dr. Millwood, for your candor and your heart. The people in your world are exceptionally blessed to have you in theirs.
- Loved this book, written by a scholar, author, and mother who shares her personal experiences in an understandable, readable story of motherhood. Her insightfulness captures your interest because it's relatable. As an adoptive parent, I could connect to many of the experiences put forth in the book. Birth mother or adoptive mother, we share the same stories. Thank you Molly Millwood for sharing your own experiences as well as your patients.
- I finally felt seen with this book. There are a growing number of books and other forms of media around motherhood, which is great - we're finally being honest with ourselves about how challenging and rewarding this role is. I found this book to be honest and real, but not without a balanced and encouraging approach. I appreciated the insights and analysis - all told through relatable anecdotes from Millwood's experience.